What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga nidra is a practice of deep relaxation that has huge potential healing powers for the body and mind. It is not sleep, although you may fall asleep during the practice. Try if you can to maintain a fine thread of awareness, listening to the teacher’s voice and instructions.

During yoga nidra you enter a state between awareness and sleep, and can access the subconscious and explore further into your mind. One element of yoga nidra is the sankalpa, or resolve. The sankalpa is an opportunity to make a positive change in your life. It is a simple sentence that you will repeat to yourself. Frame the sentence in the present tense, as if it is already happening in your life. It is worth taking time to refine your sankalpa. It may change over time, but try using the same one for a number of sessions if you can. The sankalpa is like planting a little seed in the mind. The rest of the practice will help nourish the seed. The sankalpa can be very powerful, so if you are not fully sure of what you desire for your life it is worth spending time thinking about it.

You are in control during yoga nidra, the teacher is simply the guide through the technique. Allow yourself to be open to anything you may experience in yoga nidra.

A yoga nidra session can be as restful and beneficial as regular sleep but done in less time. There are so many benefits to yoga nidra- one of them being how it helps with stress. As the systems of the body experience deep physiological rest during yoga nidra, the body’s powerful, natural regenerative mechanisms are activated. Allowing the body to rest and repair itself. As the level of stress hormones in the body decrease during the practice, the body is less susceptible to inflammation and diseases associated with it. Yoga nidra may be beneficial for people with hypertension, coronary disease, arthritis, asthma, ulcers, migraines, insomnia, depression, IBS, cancer, high blood pressure, pregnancy, post-natally… the list continues.

I hope you have had the chance to experience yoga nidra during your exploration of yoga. If you have any questions please get in touch.

Published by kellyannyoga

Yoga to me is a practice that allows you to feel as though you have had a workout and a massage at the same time. It both strengthens and soothes the body. On a deeper level it is a practice that allows you to get to know yourself and your body intimately. It is a time you give yourself to nourish your body and mind. I have been practicing and studying yoga for seven years. It brings me great satisfaction to share my practice and knowledge with others, so they too can benefit from Yoga as I have. Through Yoga you can become stronger, more flexible, and balanced in body and mind. As a student with YogaCampus I am deepening my knowledge and understanding of Yoga and all it encompasses. Yoga has much to offer and is most beneficial when it is tailored to your specific needs. As a runner I use Yoga to bring balance back to my body and stretch into tight areas. As a mother I used Yoga throughout my pregnancy to be more comfortable and allow me to have a natural birth without pain relief. I used Yoga post-natal to bring strength back to my body as well as heal aches and pains from carrying a baby. As a partner and friend I use yoga to be more patient, compassionate and understanding to those around me. I look forward to working with you to discover how Yoga can benefit your life.

2 thoughts on “What is Yoga Nidra?

  1. I LOVE yoga nidra! My whole body feels better after I take time to have a practice! The sankalpa is a huge part of the practice. Thank you Kelly for introducing it me!

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