Simply Breathing

Breathing is so important in our yoga practice. The breath is such a powerful tool, something we do each day without realising,  and yet it can have a profound impact on our health.  Begin to examine your breath, a few moments each day and you will begin to notice how it is connected to your state of mind, and how you are reacting in your body.  It is so simple, and yet so often overlooked.  Begin to notice how you breath and the impact it has on your emotions.

Where are you breathing?  Through your nose, or through your mouth?  Where are you breathing?  Into your belly? Into your chest?  Into your back?  Into your whole body?  How are you breathing?  Short and Shallow?  Long and Slow?  Are your holding your breath?  Are you sighing or yawning often?

Your breath can help you fight off viruses, tone your belly, and massage your spine.  It can help with digestion and give you more energy.  Notice your breath this week in different situations, in meetings, in bed, in the car.  I would love to hear your observations.

I am still learning about my breath and trying to improve it, but I believe in the power of the breath because I used it myself during childbirth, to calm my mind and give birth without any pain relief.  What can your breath help you overcome?

Published by kellyannyoga

Yoga to me is a practice that allows you to feel as though you have had a workout and a massage at the same time. It both strengthens and soothes the body. On a deeper level it is a practice that allows you to get to know yourself and your body intimately. It is a time you give yourself to nourish your body and mind. I have been practicing and studying yoga for seven years. It brings me great satisfaction to share my practice and knowledge with others, so they too can benefit from Yoga as I have. Through Yoga you can become stronger, more flexible, and balanced in body and mind. As a student with YogaCampus I am deepening my knowledge and understanding of Yoga and all it encompasses. Yoga has much to offer and is most beneficial when it is tailored to your specific needs. As a runner I use Yoga to bring balance back to my body and stretch into tight areas. As a mother I used Yoga throughout my pregnancy to be more comfortable and allow me to have a natural birth without pain relief. I used Yoga post-natal to bring strength back to my body as well as heal aches and pains from carrying a baby. As a partner and friend I use yoga to be more patient, compassionate and understanding to those around me. I look forward to working with you to discover how Yoga can benefit your life.

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